Those days , when I was much younger, I used to tell people, trust the process and let go , let God. All is well, What does it mean?
Firstly, do you believe that there is a power greater than yourself? I do, and I always surrender and trust this power. I guess that was what I meant then.
We create our own reality , so it is definitely wise to trust the process, trust the power within me to create what is real for me. Recall in 2015, when I went through a physical health challenge, where I was on drugs for almost 8 months, I couldn’t think straight , I slept the whole time but deep inside I knew I would be healed soon. It was a matter of time and that the universe would not give me something I couldn’t handle. Yes, I bounced back after 18-24 months.
When I reflect deeper, trust the process, I am actually having this strong belief that there is a power greater than me; that I have perfect health and my body can heal by itself, “ I let Him walk in front of me and tell me what to do, what to say, where to go, who to talk to..” All the learning from A course in Miracles, Louisa Hay “ You can heal yourself” , “Hooponopono’, Heart Sutra .. all surfaced to accompany me to go through the pain during the healing period, at home and at the hospital.
Trust the process , trusting ourselves require a strong connection with our inner self; a lot of inner work through
self love
self awareness through self observation of thoughts, and action
recognise the Ego self instead of denying it.
At this juncture of Covid 19 pandemic, the world is obviously chaotic and full of fear. Perhaps it's time to reconnect with our inner self and trust the process…. How would you see this?